Bills reinstated

The House reinstated six Bills at the stage they had reached when the 10th Parliament was dissolved, pursuant to Standing Order No. 105 (B). The motion was moved by Honourable Minister of Health on behalf of Honourable Leader of the House.  The reinstated Bills, which at the time of Dissolution had been passed by the […]

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The House passes a motion to urge The Government of Lesotho to speedily engage the government of the Republic of South Africa in an effort to find long lasting solution that will curb the ill treatment of Basotho working or residing in South Africa

Hon. Machesetsa Mofomobe, on Wednesday 07th December, 2022, moved a motion to urge the government of Lesotho to speedily engage the government of the Republic of South Africa in an effort to find a long lasting solution to curb the ill treatment of Basotho nationals residing or working in South Africa. In moving the motion, he highlighted that […]

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Invitation to SADC citizens to participate in Public Hearings on Matters of Public Interest

The SADC Parliamentary Forum will hold virtual public hearings on various issues of regiona interest and concern from 25th to 28th November, 2022 under the theme”Consolidating Democracy by Bringing Parliament to the People to the People”. To join please click on the the followinf links: Public Hearing Zoom Registration Links Public Hearing Website: Meeting […]

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Parliament Re-Open

The current National Assembly has a total of 120 members. 80 members are elected in single member constituencies using the simple majority (or First-past-the-post) system. The remaining 40 members are elected through proportional representation and national party-lists. Members serve five-year terms.

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Parliament Sitting

The current National Assembly has a total of 120 members. 80 members are elected in single member constituencies using the simple majority (or First-past-the-post) system. The remaining 40 members are elected through proportional representation and national party-lists. Members serve five-year terms.

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