Daily Hansard (Official Report)
Monday, 8th May, 2023
Monday, 8th May, 2023
[The House assembled at 2:30 p.m.]
[RT. HON. MR. SPEAKER in the Chair] PRAYER
[The Chaplain Led the House in Prayer]
HON. M. S. LEHATA (Makhaleng): Point of order!
RT. HON. MR. SPEAKER: Point of order, Setho se Khabane sa Makhaleng.
HON. M. S. LEHATA: Kea leboha, Honourable Speaker. My point of order ke hore ha u sheba the Old Age Pension Act eleng molao o tsamaisang litsiane tsa maqheku o re they are entitled to monthly pension. Ke hore pension ea khoeli le khoeli, it is a law. Ha u sheba Constitution of Lesotho on Fundamental Human Rights e bua ka the
Right to Live. Joale ntlha ea tsamaiso ke ea hore phatlalatso e entsoeng ke ’Muso Lesotho Television ea hore maqheku a tla khola khoeling e tlang a sa kholla le khoeli ena it is illegal. Joale eona e bua ka the monthly fund eseng hore ebe ba ea kolotoa, molao o re ba e fumana khoeli le khoeli. Joale, taba eno e ka hare ho molao joale phatlalatso e ka thoko ho molao.
Mohlomphehi, rona batho ba phelang metseng mane rea tseba hore boholo ba bona ehlile e se e le the only source of income eo ba e fumanang. Ka nako e ’ngoe ba se ba bile ba phelisa le litloholo tseo batsoali ba bona ba seng ba hlokahetse ka lebaka la the pandemic e ileng ea ba teng kapa bohloko bane kapa seoa sane sa pele se ileng sa ba teng sa bolaea bacha ba bangata in this country. So eaba ba baholo ba sala le litloholo tseno. Litloholo tseo li kena likolo, joale lia tebeloa hobane chelete eo ba e fumanang ka khoeli ha ba sa e fumane.Joale ngoana o lula hae ke tlala leqheku ha le na phoofo lea shoa, re se re fositse Constitution hape.
Ele hore ke ne ke re ’Muso o tsebe hore rona ka koano ha re lumellane le taba eno ea hore ebe maqheku a tla bolaoa ka sehloho ka tlala. Ha ho na thuso ea hore re tla lula ka mona ebe re ntse re re re etsa mosebetsi while other people are suffering outside. Kahona ’Muso o itlhalose, Mohlomphehi hore na what is its stance on the matter before we can do any other Business.
RT. HON. MR. SPEAKER: Order! Honourable Member for Makhaleng, taba ea hau u e behile e utloahetse. Ke fumane kopo ea Mohlomphehi Letona le Khabane la Lichelete le Meralo ea Ntšetsopele hore o tla etsa polelo ka Ntlong ena kajeno ka taba eona eno. Honourable Members, I have a letter to read to you hat reads as follows:
Ke memo eo re e etselitsoeng ke organization ena eo ke e bolelloang hore ba se ba ile ba e ba teng ka 2018 ka ena Professor enoa ea ileng a fihla a fana ka lecture ho Litho tse Khabane ’me o boetse o tla ba teng ha ho feta hosane eleng ka Laboraro. O ne a kopa hore a tle a fuoe sebaka ke se ke e etsa khothaletso re ke re tlo utloa haholo hee, Litho tse Khabane ka taba ena ea the concept of mind education. E tla qala ka mona ka Ntlong ka Laboraro ha ho feta hosane ka 10:30 a.m.
Honourable Members, we have Honourable Minister of Gender, Youth, Sports, Arts and Social Development among others has given a notice of the statement that he wishes to make before this Honourable House in terms of Standing Order No. 28
A statement shall not be debated, but the Speaker may allow short questions to be put to the Minister making the statement for clarity, but shall not allow the asking of any further questions after the lapse of twenty minutes after the conclusion of the statement.
I now invite you, Honourable Minister to take the floor.
HON. T. F. MAPESELA (PR): Ntlha ea tsamaiso, Mohlomphehi!
RT. HON. MR. SPEAKER: Ntlha ea tsamaiso, Setho se Khabane Mohlomphehi Mapesela.
HON. T. F. MAPESELA: Kea leboha, Mohlomphehi Motsamaisi oa Lipuisano. Kea kholoa ntlha ea tsamaiso eo ke emang ka eona ke ena. Ke taba ea tšebetso ena e ntse e etsahala ka lehlakoreng kapa ka bochabela ho Ntlo ena e Khabane eleng khaho ena ea Senate ka hore ho na le Basotho ba lelekuoeng mosebetsing oo ke mokonteraka oa Lechaena ka thoko ho molao. Joale, ke re na ebe re ka fumana tlhaloso neng ho ba ikarabellang mohlomong Letona la Kh’iro kapa la Bosebetsi kapa la Works, hobane Mohlomphehi, ke utloa e le ntho e sa hlaheng hantle hore ka pele ho Litho tsena tse Khabane hore ebe Basotho ba ka etsoa lintho tse bohloko pel’a rona hakana. Machaena hore na chelete ke ea bona ea ho aha Senate kapa chelete ke ea bona ea ho phallela ho aha sSepetlele seo sa Mofumahali Elizabeta II, fela ba ntse ba tlamahe ho etsa cooperate within the confines of the law of this country. Chelete ea bona e se ke ea etsa hore ba etse Basotho lintho tse bohloko. Ekaba ke kapele hakae Mohlomphehi ebile ena ekare is government granted feela joale ekare mokonteraka ke Lechaena. E kholo-kholo ke hore Basotho ba lelekiloe pel’a rona mona re le
Litho tse Khabane tsa Ketsa-Melao, na bana ba Basotho ba ka etsoa lintho tse tjee Bahlomphehi pel’a rona moo? Ho na le bana ba Basotho ba lelekiloeng kamor’a rona ka mona ke Lechaena ka thoko ho molao?
RT. HON. MR. SPEAKER: Kea utloa Setho se Khabane hore you really have nothing against the Chinese, empa e le hore u ne u re moo ba hatang ka lebatha ba thijoe. Matona a Khabane a Motlotlehi a teng ka mona, ’me a tla thetsana ka mahetla ho hlahloba taba eo ka botebo le bophara ba eona e le hore e fumane tharollo e e lokelang. Honourable Minister, you have the floor.
HON. S. HAKANE (Qeme): Point of Order!
RT. HON. SPEAKER: Ntlha ea tsamaiso, Setho se Khabane sa Qeme.
HON. S. HAKANE: Kea leboha, Mohlomphehi Motsamaisi, ntlha ea tsamaiso eo ke emang ka eona ke hore ke ile ka lula fatše ka mamela Setho se Khabane sa Makhaleng joale ke lutse mona taba ena e ntse e nkukunela ha a hlile a bontša hore maqheku a ea bolaoa, joale ke lutse mona kea hlokomela hore sechaba se mametse kantle ka mane a re maqheku a ea bolaea leha a ne a eme ka ntlha ea tsamaiso feela ke sitoa ho mmotsa hore na a bolaoa ke mang, joale ke ne ke re taba eno ea maqheku a bolaoang eke e hlake ka Paramenteng ka mona ea Leshome le Motso o mong hore puso ena eo re leng ho eona ke e phelisang maqheku ha se e bolaeang maqheku, ’me lentsoe leno la polao hobane ha a ne le bopaki ba leqheku le shoeleng hona joale a hule mantsoe ao, Mohlomphehi. Kea leboha.
RT. HON. MR. SPEAKER: Hanyane feela, Litho tse Khabane, ke ntse ke etsa khopotso ea hore re ne re lumellane hore haeba Setho se eme ka ntlha ea tsamaiso ho tle ho sebeletsoe hore e fete pele re ka ema ka ntlha e ’ngoe hape ea tsamaiso. Ke ne ke re ke e fetise eona ena. Chebo! Litho tse Khabane, puo eona ke puo ekaba ea tsamaea le mekhabo-puo ka hohle kamoo eka etsoang kateng feela ’na ke ee ke re ka hohle kamoo re ka khonang kateng, let us try to avoid controversial expressions or avoid been to sensitive in the use of our language, e le hore for the benefit of exchange in the House, re tle re tsebe hore re buisaneng hantle, re mamelaneng hantle, re se ke ra sebelisa mantsoe a boima haholo ao ho ka thoeng a provocative.
Joale, ke ee ke bone eka batho ba na le ntho eno e joalo, le bana ha ba ntse ba loana ba bashanyana ha e mong a ka utloa hore ho bohloko nkong moo le eena o tlo u otla hona nkong mono, ’me joale e qetella e se e le taba e seng ntle. ’Na ke ne ke re let’s be soft and deliberate on all the use of our language. Ke eona khothaletso ea ka tabeng eo ea lona Litho tse Khabane.
HON. M. S. LEHATA: Point of order!
RT. HON. MR. SPEAKER: Mohlomphehi Mofomobe u eme pele joale hona tjena u lutse.
HON. M. G. MOFOMOBE (PR): Ke ne ke nahanne hore u tla nketsa recognise.
RT. HON. SPEAKER: I do recognise you but ha ke tsebe na u emetse eng. Haeba u eme ka point of order u ka tsoela-pele, Setho se Khabane.
HON. M. G. MOFOMOBE: Point of order eo ke emang ka eona ke hore hona le lintho tseo re ka bapalang ka tsona empa ena ea maqheku re seke ra bapala ka eona hobane motho ha a ka lapa oa shoa, mohlomong Qeme koana ha ho joalo ha ba sa ja ba ntse ba itsoella pele joalokaha eka ha ho etsahala letho. Ke boipiletso ba ka hore re ke re e tšoare hantle taba ena hobane sensitive.
RT. HON. MR. SPEAKER: Ho joalo, Setho se Khabane, this is the most serious matter, ’me e ke keng ea eba hantle hore Litho tse Khabane li betsane ka eon aka Ntlong ka mona. Ho ke keng ha nepahala hore ho etsahale joalo. Honourabe Minister please proceed.
HON. M. S. LEHATA: Poing of order!
RT. HON. MR. SPEAKER: Point of order, Setho se Khabane sa Makhaleng.
HON. M. S. LEHATA: Kea leboha, Mohlomphehi. Ntlha ea tsamaiso eo ke emang ka eona ke ea hore e se e le nako Leader of Opposition a ngolletse your good office a letter eo ho latela tsamaiso e tlamehang ebe le se le arabiloe ka mona le haeba le e-so arajoe u ne u tlameha hore ebe u se u boletse hore u ntse u itukisetsa ho araba hobane mangolo a tlang ho uena a tla hore Litho li a tsebe u be u etse hore na u araba joang le haeba ho sobe le karabo bonyane ho bolela hore you have received the letter,
’me re emele karabo e seng ebe u thotse feela re utloa re se re balloa lengolo le oho seng ho thoe Laboraro re tl’o rupeloa empa lona u sa re letho ka lona. Kea leboha.
RT. HON. MR. SPEAKER: Ke ntse ke nahana hore le eena haeba a se a e na le bothata ho latela lipuo tseo re eeng re li buisane le eena ha a mpha lengolo haeba o se a ena le bothata o tla bolela. Honourable Minister, you have the floor.
HON. M. S. MPUTI (Maputsoe): Point of order!
RT. HON. MR. SPEAKER: Point of order, Setho se Khabane sa Maputsoe.
HON. M. S. MPUTI: Kea leboha, Mohlomphehi. Honourable Speaker, letsoalo la ka le ntse le nkhanela ha ke lutse fatše mona hore Ntlo ena e Khabane e tlotse point of order ea Honourable Makhaleng ha a entse quote molao hore taba eno ea hore batho ha ba sa fumana chelete ea bona taba eno e illegal, ha ke tsebe na ehlile mantsoe ano a hae ehlile o cho joalo, ’me haeba ehlile o cho joalo it is a pity…. E le hore it is illegal, ke ne ke re re ntse re e na le Litho tsa Ntlo ena tse ntseng li e-s’o fumane litsiane tsa tsona hobane ho na le some administrative hiccups but at the end of the day li-salary tsa tsona li tla fihla ho tsona. Ka tsela e tšoanang haeba ho e na le administrative hiccups litsianeng tsa maqheku le bona qetellong ea letsatsi ba ntse ba tl’o li fumana litsiane tsa bona, ha ho illegal. Ke ne ke re feela, Honourable Makhaleng a k’a lahlehisa Ntlo e Khabane.
RT. HON. MR. SPEAKER: Taba ea hau e’a utloahala Setho se Khabane sa Maputsoe. Honourable Members, ’Muso oile oa hlakisa bekeng e fetileng hore bothata bo ile ba e ba teng ’me bo tla rarolloa. Ntlha ea tsamaiso, Mohlomphehi Mapesela.
HON. T. F. MAPESELA:Mohlomphei Motsamaisi oa Lipuisano, tlha eaka ea tsamaiso e malebana le Molula-Setulo oa Public Accounts Committee hore o sebakeng se fosahetseng. Lebaka ke hobane tt was very clear hore o ne a se ka ho opposition. Mohlomphehi Moetapele oa Hope, u lutse mona pel’a, she pronounced herself clearly hore o tšehetsa Puso. Kahona taba ena ea hore Puso ha e loketse hore e sehele Moetapele oa Hope maleo mona, joale e ntse e mo phoqa mona e mo fa bolula-setulo Puso e ja khoho kaofela ebe e ntse e mo fa maoto a likhoho feela [Litšeho le Lerata]. Kannete mo fe maleo, Mohlomphehi, le se ke ’ne la etsa tjena. Lona le ja khoho kaofela, Mohlomphehi ena le mo fa maoto feela.
O tšehetsa Puso hle, Mohlomphehi Motsamaisi oa Lipuisano, oele butleng ka licommon practice tsa this western practice kind of administrative government, hore re ke re qopitseng lintho tse ntle. Re se ke ra tsamaeang re itšetlehile ka lebota. E le hore Bohanyetsi bona ba His Majesty bo tle bo tsebe hore bo ntše Molula-Setulo oa PAC ea tla tobana le ’Muso ka kotloloho tabeng ea tšebeliso ea lichelete tsa Puso,
Mohlomphehi. Hobane Puso e ke ke ea tseba ho tšoara lichelete tsa sechaba, ea li aba eaba ea tseba hore e tl’o ikalosetsa ka Molula Setulo ea ba tšehelitseng. [liatla] Mohlomphehi, taba ena e lokela e shejoe hantle ruri, e etsahetse Paramenteng e fetileng, ke paki. Ha fuoe maleo. Kea leboha, Mohlomphehi.
RT. HON. MR. SPEAKER: Order! Honourable Members, Mohlomphehi
Mapesela, ke ne ke se ke thotse hobane u le moetapele. Feela hantle ke qetelletse ke sa utloa hantle hore na ehlile what is your point of order? Haholo qetellong mona u itse taba eo e etsahetse, ha u ka ea hona moo oa bolela hore na ke taba e feng eo u reng e etsahetse. Ka hona, your point of order, u re’ng hona joale tjee?
HON. T. F. MAPESELA: Kea leboha, Mohlomphehi Motsamaisi oa Lipuisano. Kea kholoa taba ea ka ka kotloloho e ne e le hore Business Committee nakong eo e abelang Litho tse Khabane likomiti ka ho fapana, ke taba e tsebahalang hore ehlile likomiting tseno ’Muso o tla ba le bongata, Mohlomphehi. Joale ke re hona joale Pusong ena kapa Paramenteng ena, batho ba tšehetsang puso joalokaha ke re Pusong e fetileng ea grand coalition ea DC and ABC ho ne ho ena le li-party tse sa tekenelang the coalition agreement. Coalition Agreement e ne e tekennoe ke DC le
ABC feela. Ke etse mohlala, BNP, PFD li ne li le ’maloa tse neng li re rea tšehetsa e leng tse neng li khoaetsoe. Tsona nakong eo ho neng ho abjoa litulo tsena tsa likomiti, li-party tseo li ile tsa balelloa e le karolo ea Puso hobane li ne li tšehetsa Puso. Empa li-party tse neng li hlakile hore li opposition li ile tsa sala ka Lehlakong la Opposition.
Ke kahona, Mohlomphehi Sekata kea kholoa a bile Komiting ea PAC hobane LCD e ne e setse e ntse e le ho opposition. Hoo qetelong Mohlomphehi Sekata a ileng a etella pele komiti eo ea PAC. Empa re makala ha ho thoe hona joale li-party tse sa tekenelang the coalition agreement feela li tšehetsa puso, ha u etsa proportion ka likomiting, lipalo tsa li-party tseno li nkoa e le lipalo tsa opposition. That is where my point is, hore na hobane ha li ntse li tšehetsa puso, Mohlomphehi, empa lipalo tsa tsona li ekelletsa opposition ka tsona. By so doing, you are reducing the fair representative ea Opposition ka mono ka likomiting tseno, ka batho ba lona bao le ntseng le tsamaea le bona [Lerata].
RT. HON. MR. SPEAKER: Setho se Khabane, ke utloa ntlha ea hau ea tsamaiso u e hlakisitse hantle taba eo u neng u sa e khotsofalle. Ha ke behe tjena, ha ho abjoa likomiti, hohang hang taba ea coalition does is not a factor. What factors is the representation of parties in Parliament? Hore re bone hore ka hohle ka moo ho ka etsoang kateng, li-party li emeloa ho latela matla a tsona ka Paramenteng. E leng hore taba ena ea li-coalition and we support the government and so on, ehlile ha se eona e hlileng e lateloang hantle.
Ho lelekisoang ke hore ho bonahale hore li-partyli emetsoe ka likomiting ho latela matla a tsona ka har’a Ntlo. Ke eona taba eo e leng eona e lateloang. Honourable Minister, you have the floor.
HON. L. PITSO (Minister of Gender, Youth, Sports, Arts, Culture and Social Development): Kea leboha, Mohlomphehi Motsamaisi oa Lipuisano. Ke kopa hore ke fane ka tlaleho ea phano ea litsiane tsa bo-nkhono le bo-ntate-moholo… HON. M. PHIRI (PR):
RT. HON. MR. SPEAKER: Ntlha ea tsamaiso, Honourable Member.
HON. M. PHIRI: Kea leboha, Mohlomphehi Motsamaisi oa Lipuisano. Ka boikokobetso ke kopa hore Letona le Khabane le phahamise lentsoe hobane microphone o hole le eena.
RT. HON. MR. SPEAKER: Ke bona eka e tla arabeloa taba ea hau, Mohlomphehi
HON. L. PITSO: Ke qale pele ka ho hlokomelisa Ntlo e Khabane hore ka tloaelo ba bitsoa maqheku empa tumellano ke hore ba bitsoe bo-nkhono le bo-ntata-moholo, e leng ona mokhoa oa ho bo hlonepha. Mohlomong Ntlo ena e Khabane e ka tseba hore e thuse sechaba ka hore e rute taba eno ka hore ha re ntse re bua ka bona ka mona re ba bitsa bo-nkhono le bo-ntate-moholo e seng maqheku.
Mohlomphehi, re ile ra ntša tlaleho ka la 05 Motšeanong, 2023 e bontšang hore litsiane li tla fumaneha ka khoeli ea June. Mabaka e ne e le hobane ka mor’a hore re shebisane esitana le li-ministry tse amehang, re ile ra fumana hore ha ho na tsela eo re ka e etsang ntle le hore re etse joalo. Hobane joale re leka hore re thibe taba eno ea hore bo-nkhono ebe ba tla tsamaea nako e telele ba tsamaeela ho ea moo ho senang litsiane ebe ba khutla ba le joalo. Tlaleho eo e ne e etsoa e ipapisitse le taba eo feela ona makala a amehang ao esaleng a ntse a sebetsa tsaba ena ho bona hore pheko e’a fumaneha ea taba ena ea litsiane, kea kholoa re sebelitse ho fihlela le ka Moqebelo, ho fihlela ka hor’a ea borobong re ne re ntse re le ofising.
Ke hona moo tšebetsong eo re ileng ra fumana pheko ea hore na re ka etsa joang. Ke ka hona re ileng ra boela ra ntša tlaleho e ’ngoe ka Sontaha e hlakolang eane ea pele e bontšang hore bo-nkhono le bo-ntate-moholo ba se ba atla lefshoa ho tloha ka la 11th Motšeanong, 2023, e leng la Labone. Matsatsi ana a seng a tlotsoe hobane ho ne ho lokela hore ebe ho qaliloe kajeno e seng pele ho kajeno, e leng la 08 – 10. Matsatsi ana a mararo a seng a tlotsoe ke tla tla ke bala hore na libaka tse ileng tsa ameha ke taba eno na li tla fumana litsiane. Le ha ho le joalo, litsiane li tla fumanoa ho tloha ka la 11 Motšeanong, 2023.
Ke kopa hore ke fane ka tlhokomeliso ea hore re ne re ile ra re ba tla fumana a double pay ea May le ea June, joale ka ha re se re lefa khoeli ea ’May, e se e tla ba a single pay ea khoeli ena e ’May. Ka hona ea khoeli ea June e se e tla lefshoa ka nako ea eona.
Ke kopa ho hlokomelisa bo-nkhono le bo-ntate-moholo hore re shebile hape hape le taba ea maemo a leholimo a ka ’nang a re sitisa ho sebetsa ka matsatsi a mang, ho na le matsatsi ao re tla lefa ka bo-Moqebelo. Polelo e ile ea bontša hore ho tloha sethathong re ile ra fana ka tšepiso re le lekala hore mathata ona a tla ’ne a be teng tšebetsong feela re ipehetse hore mathata a joalo a be a phekolehile ka har’a matsatsi a beke. Ka hona ho fihlela ha ha joale, re sa ntsane re fihlela taba eno ea hore mathata ao re ka bang le ona re a sebetse within 5 days. It is wise to think of mathata a ke ke a ba teng but ehlile re tla sebetsana le oona ho bona na a sebetseha kapelenyana ho le ho kae.
Mohlomphehi, libaka tse fetohileng ka lebaka la moralo ona o seng o fetohile o tla qala ka la 11 Motšeanong, 2023 ke tla lokela ho li bala, ho tse ling tse teng tse fetohang, ke tla lokela ho nka nako ke bala sebaka hobane ha re ka ra re ho fetohile hobane ha re ka ra re ho fetohile li-11 ho fihlela 13 Motseanong, 2023 mohlala, batho ha sebaka se sa lokelang ho ea ka letsatsi le itseng, ba tla tloha ba ea ebe ba khutla, athe letsatsi le bona ke le sele. Ka hona libaka tseo ke tsena tse latelang ka matsatsi a tsona a fapaneng:-
Ka la 11 Motšeanong;
- Roma
- Ha Tlali,
- Boinyatso
- St. Rodrigue ka la 12Motšanong…
RT. HON. MR. SPEAKER: Ntlha ea tsamaiso, Honourable Mofomobe.
HON. M. G. MOFOMOBE: Ntlha ea tsamaiso, Mohlomphehi Motsamaisi oa
Lipuisano, eo ke emang ka eona ke hore na Letona le Khabane le tl’o bala li-pay point tsa Lesotho lee kaofela na, ka mabatooa kaofela kapa ke ntho e ka etsoang phatlaletso lia-le-moeeng koana, hobane rona o re balletse polelo. Mohlomong re be re fumane le eona polelo ena ea hae. Ke bona eka u tla nka bosiu le motšeare hobane haeso koana le leshome tse lefa. Joale, ke bona eka o tla be a khathalle lipotsong.
RT. HON. MR. SPEAKER: Order Litho tse Khabane. Order! Honourable Minister ha ke mametse Mohlomphehi Mofomobe, ekanna eaba o na le ntho e kang tlhahisotlatsetso. Ehlile haeba li telele haholo ke ntho e ka nang ea lumelleha hore u li akaretse feela ebe joale u tle be u se u etsa distribute the detailed version. Ke utloa taba eno e ka re thusa, empa ka ha u ne u se u ntse u hlophile ho etsa joalo, e ne e mpa e le tlatsetso feela.
HON. P. LESAOANA: Kea utloa Mohlomphehi, hantle-ntle mona re tliló bala tse fetohileng. Kea kholoa Mohlomphehi Mofomobe ha a ka a utloa. Ke itse, kea kholoa ha a k’a utloa, kea kholoa le hona joale ha a na ho utloa hobane joale Mohlomphehi Setho se Khabane sa Makhaleng se entse lerata. Ke itse re tliló bala tse fetohileng eseng li-pay point tsa Lesotho kaofela. Le tsona li ntse li le ngata Mohlomphehi ‘me nka fumana tataiso feela ha se tsona kaofela. Haeba ka uena Mohlomphehi u re re se li bale kaofela, re ka ‘na ra se li bale, feela thuso eo e neng e tliló e etsa ka ha batho ba shebella Paramente, thuso e neng e tla li etsa ke hore tseo tsa bona li fetohileng, li bohlokoa haholo hoba ha ba k eke ba utloa ba tla ea ebe ba khutla ba tlohe ba fumane eka ba ne ba sa tlo tla lefshoa, ha ho joalo e ne e mpa e le hore feela taba ea bona e fotohile.
Ke mokhoa oona re nkile tse fetohileng feela, empa li ntse li le ngata.
RT. HON. MR. SPEAKER: U nepile haholo Honourable Minister. Haeba ehlile li ngata, ho u thusa, ho ka re thusa empa ho lokela hore tsebiso ena e phethoe hangata. Eleng hore ehlile e ka re thusa hore u bontše feela hore boemo ke bona bona. Joale u tle hlasele libaka tse tsebang ho u thusa hore tsebiso ena e phetoe hangata. Libaka tse joalo, li boleloe hangata.
HON. P. LESAOANA : Kea leboha Mohlomphehi. Ke kopa hore ke tle ke li behe ka tsela e tjena. Le ha ho le joalo Report eona ka be ke se ke e siea le Ntlo ke e qhoaella. Ke bea litaba tsa ka ka hore moo ho fetohileng, ke libaka tse …ka Roma. Kea tseba hore bo-nkhono le bo-ntate-moholo ba teng moo ba tseba hore na ke li fe. Ke libaka tse oelang Roma li kenyeletsa le Semonkong, Makhaleng, le Khanyetsi joalo.
Libaka tse ling tse fetohileng ke tse latelang:
- Teyateyaneng
- Thaba-Tseka, Maseru
- Leribe le Ha Lejone
- Mafeteng
- Quthing • Butha-Buthe.
Libaka tsena ke tsona litereke tse fotohileng. Libaka tse sa baloang ke ho bolela hore li ntse li le hantle. Tsona li tla ‘ne li lefshoe ka matsatsi a tlamehang ho lefsoa ka oona, re kenyeletsa le tse lefshoang ka sefofane le tsona li tla ‘ne li lefshoe ka matsatsi ano. Kea leboha, Mohlomphehi.
RT. HON. MR. SPEAKER: Litho tse Khabane, Litho ho latela Standing Order le ea lumelloa hore le akhela lipotso tsa litlhakisetso ho Letona. Hopolang hore total time ke 20 minutes. Setho se Khabane sa Mphosong.
HON. M. A. NTŠEKHE (Mphosong): Kea leboha, Mohlomphehi. Ntlha ea tsamaiso eo ke emang ka eona ke Standing Order No. 38. Kannete Mohlomphehi Puo ea Mohlomphehi Letona le Khabane la Social Development e bohlokoa ruri sebakeng sa bo-nkhono le bo-ntate-moholo, ho bile le Litho tse Khabane tse bontšitseng li baka tšetiso. Ka hona Litho tse joalo li out of order for interrupting puo ea Mohlomphehi ha re ntse re mametse ka hloko. Joale rona ba Mphosong re qetella re se re sa utloa ka litaba tse bo-nkhono le bo-ntate moholo.
RT. HON. MR. SPEAKER: Order, Honourable Members, order! Standing Order reads as follows;
A Member may not interrupt another Member except by rising-
- on a point of order, when the Member speaking shall resume his or her seat and the Member interrupting shall simply direct attention to the point which he or she wishes to bring to notice and submit it to the Speaker or Chairman for decisions;
- to elucidate some matter raised by that Member speaking is willing to give way and resumes his or her seat and the Member wishing to interrupt is called by the Speaker or Chairperson;
- to claim closure under Standing Order No. 42 (Closure of Debate).
- to move a motion approving a declaration of emergency under Standing Order No. 106 (Declaration of Emergency).
Ha kea li bala ho fella. Setho se Khabane sa Mphosong ha se mametse se utloile ho na le batho ba etsang interrupt empa ba sa eme ka tsela ena e laoloang ke Standing Order. Haeba ho joalo, ekaba ke phoso. Tsoelapele Honourable Leader of Opposition.
HON. M. E. MOKHOTHU (Leader of Opposition and Qhoali): Kea leboha, Mohlomphehi. Ke lebohile le boikhathatso ba Letona le Khabane hore ha le sa tsamaea ka Ntlong ena ebe le tla ka mona ho tlaleha. Potso ea ka ke hore kea utloa hore Letona le lokolisa libakeng matsatsi ao ho tla lefshoa maqheku le maqhekoana, empa sesosa sa taba sona hore na ha ho ka lefshoa ka matsatsi a tloaelehileng taba ehlile e le e fe na? Joale Mohlomphehi u bone pheko e le e fe ea nako e telele e le hore ho tle ho se ke ha ‘na ha sotloa bo-nkhono le bo-ntate moholo ka hore ba se lefshoe ka nako eo ba e tsebang na? Ke eona potso ea ka eo Mohlomphehi.
HON. P. LESAOANA: Mohlomphehi, ke tle ke elellisoe Ntlo ena hore matsatsi a tla beng a sa lefshoa a mararo feela. Ke robeli (8th May, 2023) eleng kajeno, la robong (9th May) le la leshome (10th May). Ke utloile hore ho na le point of order tse ling tse etsang hore eke hona le matsatsi a fetileng a e-so lefshoe. Che, ha ho joalo. Matsatsi a tlamehang ho lefshoa ke ho tloha ka la tšelela. Joale ka ha letsatsi leo ke Moqebelo, ho tla qaloa ho tloha ka la robeli, eleng Mantaha kajeno. Joale ke ne ke re Mohlomphehi ea botsitseng potso e …ke elellisoe feela hore e tle e se ke ea ka ho na le matsatsi a mang a seng a fetile. Letsatsi la pele leo ho e-so lefshoe.
RT. HON. MR. SPEAKER: Honourable Minister se ke ua mamela Litho tse lutseng fatše. Itsoelle pele u thethe litaba tsa hau hantle.
HON. P. LESAOANA: Ke hobane Mohlomphehi, che, ha se hobane ke u arabela. Ho ne ho ile ha thoe lentsoe la ka le le nyane ha le utloahale. Ke mokhoa oona ke laetetsoeng mabone a mabeli. Joale ke ne ke emetse Bahlomphehi hore ba theotheole lerata hanyane ke tle ke tsebe ho utloahala, ke mokhoa oona ke neng ke thotse.
Sesosa sa taba Mohlomphehi ke systems. Ke bontše hore mokhoa oona re neng re lutse re leka ho sebetsa litaba tseno. Ke hobane re ne re leka hore ho shejoe system e le hore lintho li tle li tsebe ho lumellana. Ka bomalimabe, ke batla ke sa tsebe hore na system e tsamaea joang. E batla e le ka holimo ho kutloisiso ea ka. Kea leboha.
RT. HON. MR. SPEAKER: Honourable Member, oa hopola hore ehlile ke ile ka re ke nako ea lipotso e mashome a mararo (30).
HON. M. MATELA (PR): Kea leboha, Mohlomphehi Motsamaisi oa Lipuisano ka monyetla oo o mphang oona. Ke bile ke leboha le Letona le Khabane le ntseng le fana ka litaba tse hlakileng. Ke mpa ke re feela, taba ea pele e amanang le mosebetsi oa rona re le Paramente, … we judge a nation by the way in which it treats its most vulnerable [Liatla]. Ha motho a fihletse lilemong tse holimo haholo tseo a seng a lefshoa ka sebopeho sena seo ho buuang ka sona, ke ho bolela hore motho eno o tlamehile hore ebe o se a ile a fana ka linako le hora tsa hae ho naha ea Lesotho ho etsa bonnete ba hore naha ea ntlafala. Ka tsela e tšoanang le rona ka mona kaofela re ntse re tliló fihla boemong bona.
Taba ea bobeli ke hore systems are created for people, not people for systems
[Liatla]. Maqheku ana a rona ao re buang ka oona, mohlanka ofe kapa ofe, hobane Letona le Khabane ha le tsa execute, he executes ka batho le Letona le Khabane la lichelete. Ha ba etsa joalo, li-system tsa bona neng-neng lia sebetsa, neng-neng ha li sebetse. Potso ea ka e re…
RT. HON. MR. SPEAKER: Ke mametse hantle. Kea hlokomela hore u tla qetella u se u etsa statement ka bouena, athe mona hothoe lipotso tse khutšoanyane tse reretsoeng ho thusa tlhakisetso. Tsoelapele, Hon. Member.
HON. M. MATELA:Kea leboha, Mohlomphehi Motsamaisi oa Lipuisano. Re sechaba se sentse se e na le bothata re le Basotho, maqheku ana ba bang ba oona rea tseba hore ba hlokomela likhutsana tseo u fumanang hore le litloholo tsa bona li se ntse li e na le mathata. Potso eaka e mane moo Letona le Khabane la Lichelete le bontšitseng hore ho se ntse ho e na le mathata a amanang le tefiso ea maqheku. Ebe Letona le Khabane moo ho tsamauoang ho uoang Litsing tsa Tefiso ea Maqheku, re tl’o sebetsa joang moo re tsebang hantle hore na chelete eane ea Afrika Boroa ho bonahala ekare e na le mathata, hore re tsebe ho thibela hore maqheku a rona a se ke a iphumana a tsamaile a ile mabenkeleng hona mane ka maloting a lefshoa ka chelete eane eo re reng e na le mathata? Na ekaba tšebetso lipakeng tsa Letona le Khabane la Lichelete e tla ba efeng ho etsa bonnete ba hore maqheku a se ke a sokulisoa, ka ntle le ena ea ho lieha ho lefshuoa? Kea leboha.
HON. P. LESAOANA: Mohlomphehi, ke lumela hore re tl’o fa bo-nkhono le bontate moholo a legal pension. Kea leboha.
RT. HON. MR. SPEAKER: Setho se Khabane, Mohlomphehi Mofomobe.
HON. M. G. MOFOMOBE: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. Ke kopa ho botsa Letona le Khabane potso ea pele hore na joalo kaha a hlositse hore ha hona phoso tabeng ena hobane o lefa ho tloha ka la tšelela, ebe ha ho sena phoso ke eng e mo tlisitseng ka Ntlong ka moo? A ka be a itsoeletse pele fela hobane a ntse a le nakong?
Potso ea bobeli ke hore na ho tloha la 11 joalokaha a bolela hore o lefa la 11, ebe process ea ho lefa e tla nka nako e kae hore ebe re ka re it is complete?
Potso ea boraro ke hore na papisong le polelo ea Mohlomphehi Letona la Lichelete na lekala la habo le se le le hakae tabeng ea ho etsa li-cashless payments?
HON. P. LESAOANA: Potso ea pele e batla e le thatanyana hobane, it is based on statement seo ho thoeng ke se fuoe empa ke sa se etsa. Joale ha ke tsebe hore na ha ke e araba na ke tla e araba joang. Ha kea tlisoa ke that statement se falsely put because I have never said that.
Potsong ea bobeli e ne e re na re tla qeta within the time eo re ntseng re qeta ka eona mehlaena. Nako eohle ha ho lefuoa ho lefuoa ho fihlela letsatsi la ho qetela la khoeli, `me re ntse re tlo patala ho fihlala letsatsi la ho qetela la khoeli. Re tlo qeta within nako eo re tlamehang ho qeta ka eona.
Potsong ea boraro e re how far are we ka cashless transactions. Re se re na le six (6) districts tseo re seng re li entse cover within this time re se re le mosebetsing ona. Re na le system e `ngoe eo mohlomong ha e ka etsoa approve by cabinet, re tla e etsa present, e tla etsa speed up the process. Three to six months re tla be re qetile hohle moo coverage ea marang-rang e leng hona teng. Kea leboha.
RT. HON. MR. SPEAKER: Hon. Member for Matlakeng.
HON. DR. M. PHAMOTSE (Matlakeng): Kea leboha, Mohlomphehi Motsamaisi oa Lipuisano. ke rata ho leboha polelo ea Letona le Khabane eo a e entseng kajeno ka morao ho tsitsipano e kholo. Ka `nete o entse mosebetsi o motle, empa e le ho hlalosa hantle ha maemo a sa tsitsa hantle litabeng tse amang bo-nkhono le bo-ntate moholo.
Ke boele ke bontše…
RT. HON. MR. SPEAKER: Ntlha ea tsamaiso, Hon. Mapesela.
HON. T. F. MAPESELA: Kea leboha, Mohlomphehi Motsamaisi oa Lipuisano. Ha ke thibele Setho se Khabane se ntseng se bua hantle, fela ke bona hore o benya mabenyane joalo ka mohatsà Price Charles. Ebe mabenyane ao a ka fumaneha kae?
RT. HON. MR. SPEAKER: Ke lumela hore u tla tseba ho na a fumaneha kae mabanyeane. Tsoelapele, Setho se Khabane.
HON. DR. M. PHAMOTSE: Kea leboha, Mohlomphehi Motsamaisi oa Lipuisano. Ke tla araba ha moraonyane tsena tsa mabenyane. Mohlomphehi Letona ka morao ho tsitsipano ena e kholo ea hore ebe sechaba ha sea khotsofsalla taba ea hore ebe bo-nkhono le bo-ntate moholo ha ba atleha ho fumana litsieane. Taba ena ke rata hore ke e bue ho uena Mohlomphehi Motsamaisi oa Lipuisano le Litho tse Khabane, ke comment. Ke botse hore na Mohlomphehi Letona le tla etsa hore ka moso lehaeba li-system tsena li sa tsamae hantle, ke ee bone eka batho ba bang ba fumanang chelete ka bo-la 20 o tla fumana hore haeba la 20 e le Moqebelo, ba e fumana ka Labohlano, eseng e fete ho be ho fete matsatsi a mabeli ho ka nqane. Ke kopa hore kamoso, Mohlomphehi, e mpe ebe pele. Phoso ena e etsahale pele, ebe kamorao ebe e le hona ho lokang.
RT. HON. MR. SPEAKER: Litho tse Khabane, ke ntho e lumellehang hore le le Bakhethoa ba sechaba, ruri le na le maikutlo ka litaba tsohle tsa amang sechaba. Empa e ntse e le taba ea tsamaiso hore haeba ke nako ea lipotso le botse. E tla re ha ele nako ea ho fana ka maikutlo ebe le fana ka maikutlo. Ke hlokometse hore boholo ba Litho tse Khabane li ema li fana ka maikutlo eseng ho botsa lipotso tse khutšloane tse reretsoeng ho etsa tlhakisets ea taba e boletsoeng ke letona. Empa qetellong ke bone eka Setho se Khabane sa Matlakeng se qetella se re na ho tla nkoa likhato tse tla thusetsa hore haeba matsatsi a ho lefa a le mafelong a beke, mohlomong ho lefuoe pejana na? Potso ea hae e fihla e tsitsa hona moo. Hon. Minister.
HON. P. LESAOANA: Mohlomphehi, kea kholoa taba ena ea cashless transactions ke eona e tla re thusa haholo hobane e ka `na ea se ka tsotella hore na matsatsi ke a feng. Ke hore re potlakele ho sebetsana le eona. Che ea hore re ka tseba hore re e ise letsatsing la pele, ha ke utloe e le tlhahiso e mpe, e tla shejoa le eona. Kea leboha.
RT. HON. MR. SPEAKER: Ntlha ea tsamaiso, Hon. Member for Matelile.
HON. M. MAPHATHE (Matelile): Kea leboha, Mohlomphehi Motsamaisi oa Lipuisano. Ke nahana hore taba ena e utloahetse. Ntlha ea tsamaiso eo ke emang ka eona ke hore sechaba le sona se iketsetsa sehloho ka hore ebe 15% ea litho tse ka mane ka `Musong ke maqheku a kholang. Joale, ha a tsebe ho buella ane a sa kholeng hae koana [Litšeho].
RT. HON. MR. SPEAKER: Ha ho na ntlha ea tsamaiso moo, Setho se Khabane sa Matelile. Hon. Members, nako ea metsotso e mashome a mabeli (20) e felile.
We come to the end of today`s Business and the House is adjourned until tomorrow at 2:30 p.m.
There being no further Business upon the Order Paper, Rt. Hon. Mr. Speaker adjourned the House without question put, pursuant to Standing Order No. 16 (2).
The House accordingly adjourned at 3:43 p.m.