Tuesday, 21st June, 2022
Notice given on Tuesday, 21st June, 2022.
Hon. Minister of Finance
- In Clause 4 sub-clause (1) (d), after the word “government” insert the words “or with shares above fifty percent”.
- In Clause 8 after sub-clause (a), insert a new sub-clause (b) as follows and renumber sequentially:
“(b) Only goods and circumstances that have been listed under Schedule 5 shall be eligible”.
- In Clause 15, line 4, after the word “Authority” add the words “after consultation with the Minister of Foreign Affairs”.
- In Clause 19 sub-clause (2), after the word “advertised” add the words “competitive and assessed”.
- In Clause 20 sub-clause (2), line 2, after the word “performance” delete the comma and the words “and shall not necessarily be successive”.
- In Clause 22, line 1, after the word “may” insert the words “after consultation with the Chairperson and having followed due process of the law”.
- In Clause 22 sub-clause (a), line 1, after the word “absent” delete the word “from” and substitute it with the word “for”.
- In Clause 23 sub-clause (2), line 1, after the word “for” delete the words “the remainder of a term of office of a vacating member” and substitute them with the words “four years”.
- In Clause 29 sub-clause (2) (a), line 1, after the word “years” delete the words “and may be reappointed” and substitute with the words “which may be renewed for”.
- In Clause 35 sub-clause (1) (b), after the word “sources” add the words “approved by Cabinet”.
- In Clause 38 sub-clause (3), after the second “the” delete the word “Tribunal” and substitute it with the word “Annual”.
- In Clause 38 sub-clause (3), after the word “Parliament” add the words “within a period of three months, if the Minister fails to table the report within the stipulated time the Prime Minister shall within a month table a report”.
- In Clause 41 sub-clause (1), line 2, after the word “performance” delete the comma and the words “but may not necessarily be successive”.
- In Clause 41, after sub-clause (3), add a new sub-clause (4) as follows:
“(4) A member of the Tribunal shall be eligible for office for two terms only”.
- In Clause 48 sub-clause (3), line 3, after theword “within” delete the words “reasonable time” and substitute with the words “thirty days after registration”.
- In Clause 60 sub-clause (3), line 2, after the word “of” delete the word “two” and substitute it with the word “three”.
- In Clause 74 sub-clause (1), line 1, after the word “tenderer” delete the word “and” and substitute it with the word “or”.
- In Clause 74 sub-clause (1), line 3, after the word “request” delete the word “an” and substitute it with the words “a written”
- In Clause 81 after sub-clause 1 (1) (c) (ii), delete numberings “(vi) (vii) and (viii)” and substitute them with “(iii), (iv) and (v)”.
- Insert a new schedule 5 to Clause 8 as follows:
- Financial Resources Limitations where it could be impossible to acquire new equipment due to excessive prices e.g. airplanes, hospital machinery.
- Reduction of lead-time for awaiting new items which are considered to take two or more years for manufacturing. e. g. Airplanes.
- Acquisition of existing infrastructure such as office buildings, warehouses and/or accommodation houses for civil servants across the country.
- Acquisition of Agri-equipment such as tractors, harvest-equipment, etc
- Construction equipment such as bulldozers, caterpillars, cranes etc.
- Heavy duty haulage equipment