Tuesday, 25th April, 2023
Resumption of adjourned debate on Question ( Monday, 24th
April, 2023).
That this Honorable House, resolves, pursuant to Section
1(2) of the Constitution, to declare the whole of the Free
State, parts of the Northern Cape, parts of the Eastern
Cape, parts of Mpumalanga and parts of Kwazulu Natal as
comprising the territory of the Kingdom of Lesotho in line
with the United Nations Resolution 1817(XV11) passed
by the General Assembly at its 1196th Plenary Meeting of
18th December, 1962.
(Hon. Dr. T. Lipholo, seconded by Hon. N. E. Kabi )
In Motion No.8, lines 1-2, delete the words “pursuant to
Section 1(2) of the Constitution, to declare” and substitute
them with the words “ to urge the Government of Lesotho
to engage the Government of the Republic of South Africa
(RSA) in negotiating the return of Lesotho Territory
which comprises” and in lines 4-5, delete the words “as
comprising the territory of the Kingdom of Lesotho”
(Hon. T. J. Makhalanyane )
Hon. Dr. T. Lipholo to move –
In Hon. T. J. Makhalanyane’s amendment to the Motion
on “Reclamation of Lesotho Territory”, delete the words:
“Government of Lesotho to engage the Government
of the Republic of South Africa (RSA) in
negotiating the return of Lesotho Territory which
and substitute them with the following:
“Parliament of Lesotho to engage the Special
Administrative Committee of the United Nations
appointed in 1962; and led by Northern Ireland and
Britain, to implement the General Assembly
Resolution 1817 (XVII) adopted at its 1196th
Plenary Meeting of 18th December, 1962; and to
implement Section 1(2) of the Constitution of
Lesotho by declaring as comprising part of